Change service

The charge for changing service is €10 + VAT, plus any difference in cost for the new service.
No charge will be applied for changes made within 14 days of purchase and you will only be required to pay any difference in cost for the new service requested.
The prices above refer to the minimum duration of the service change (1 year or part of one year).
We remind you that the expiry date of the service corresponds to the expiry date of the domain name. The prices above do not include VAT and relate to a one year contract.
A service associated with a third level domain cannot be converted into a WordPress Hosting, Managed WordPress Hosting or Managed WooCommerce Hosting service.

PRICE LIST (prices do not include VAT)

from » to Windows Hosting Linux Hosting Linux + Windows Hosting Domain Domain with email
Windows Hosting   10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Linux Hosting 10.00   10.00 10.00 10.00
Linux + Windows Hosting 10.00 10.00   10.00 10.00
Redirect with email 10.00 10.00 15.17 10.00 10.00
Redirect 15.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 10.00
DNS with email 10.00 10.00 15.17 10.00 10.00
DNS 15.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 10.00
Domain 15.00 15.00 25.00   10.00
Domain with email 10.00 10.00 15.17 10.00  
Smart Managed WordPress   10.00   10.00 10.00
Premium Managed WordPress   10.00   10.00 10.00
Top Managed WordPress   10.00   10.00 10.00
Managed WooCommerce   10.00   10.00 10.00

WORDPRESS SOLUTIONS (prices do not include VAT)

from » to Smart Managed WordPress Premium Managed WordPress Top Managed WordPress Managed WooCommerce
DNS 45.00 + VAT 70.00 + VAT 120.00 + VAT 130.00 + VAT
Redirect 45.00 + VAT 70.00 + VAT 120.00 + VAT 130.00 + VAT
DNS with email 42.00 + VAT 67.00 + VAT 117.00 + VAT 127.00 + VAT
Redirect with email 42.00 + VAT 67.00 + VAT 117.00 + VAT 127.00 + VAT
Domain 45.00 + VAT 70.00 + VAT 120.00 + VAT 130.00 + VAT
Domain with email 42.00 + VAT 67.00 + VAT 117.00 + VAT 127.00 + VAT
Basic Linux Hosting Plans 37.00 + VAT 62.00 + VAT 112.00 + VAT 122.00 + VAT
Basic Windows Hosting Plans 37.00 + VAT 62.00 + VAT 112.00 + VAT 122.00 + VAT
Basic Windows or Linux Hosting 39.00 + VAT 64.00 + VAT 114.00 + VAT 124.00 + VAT
Basic Windows + Linux Hosting 32.00 + VAT 57.00 + VAT 107.00 + VAT 117.00 + VAT
Linux Hosting 39.00 + VAT 64.00 + VAT 114.00 + VAT 124.00 + VAT
Windows Hosting 39.00 + VAT 64.00 + VAT 114.00 + VAT 124.00 + VAT
Hosting Linux + Windows 34.00 + VAT 59.00 + VAT 109.00 + VAT 119.00 + VAT
SuperSite Easy 30.00 + VAT 55.00 + VAT 105.00 + VAT 115.00 + VAT
SuperSite Professional 10.00 + VAT 25.00 + VAT 75.00 + VAT 85.00 + VAT
WordPress Hosting 35.00 + VAT 60.00 + VAT 110.00 + VAT 120.00 + VAT
Smart Managed WordPress   €50.00 + VAT 150.00 + VAT 170.00 + VAT
Premium Managed WordPress 79.00 + VAT
only on renewal
  100.00 + VAT 120.00 + VAT
Top Managed WordPress 79.00 + VAT
only on renewal
129.00 + VAT
only on renewal
  20.00 + VAT
Managed WooCommerce 10.00 + VAT 10.00 + VAT 10.00 + VAT  

SUPERSITE (prices do not include VAT)

from » to SuperSite Professional
SuperSite Easy 50.00 + VAT

ARUBA DRIVE (prices do not include VAT)

from » to Aruba Drive Easy Aruba Drive Advanced Aruba Drive Professional
Aruba Drive Easy   45.00 + VAT 240.00 + VAT
Aruba Drive Advanced     195.00 + VAT
Aruba Drive Professional      

ARUBA DRIVE with domain (prices do not include VAT)

from » to Aruba Drive Easy Aruba Drive Advanced Aruba Drive Professional
Aruba Drive Easy   50.00 + VAT 250.00 + VAT
Aruba Drive Advanced     200.00 + VAT
Aruba Drive Professional